almac2015-12-03 21:43:58
almac, 2015-12-03 21:43:58

How to include plugins (for example, bxslider) and their images in the collected css file using gulp?

1. there is a structure like this - joxi.ru/xAeGJ3WtPgkLmy
2. in the plugins folder there are plugins like bxslider - joxi.ru/Vm6yvw1UzjaLrZ
3. the project is automatically built, and as a result one css file is obtained - "vendors.min.css ". Inside it there is a link to bxslider's pictures: "background-url: (images/controls.png)";
4. Each such plugin has a link to its images
Question: how to connect images (for plugins) when building a project, when they are all scattered in their folders and the paths in css are completely different?

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1 answer(s)
Artem Malko, 2015-12-04

Several variants:
In general, I recommend studying how this is implemented in TARS , just your task is being solved.
You can learn about how it all works from the report ( https://vimeo.com/123924728 20 minutes) or from the docks to TARS. Everything is described in great detail there + articles on Habré .

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