German Zvonchuk2020-02-18 18:00:25
German Zvonchuk, 2020-02-18 18:00:25

How to implement per-user audit logging in MySQL?


we have an internal CRM system that has been running for many years.
It is written in PHP7 and MySQL.

We are currently facing compliance issues from regulators that require us to follow some rules.

We have one database user on behalf of which all queries are executed, but the regulator wants to see the audit logs for each CRM user individually.

I would be very grateful if you could tell me how to achieve this.

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2020-02-18

What is the problem with digging into crm and saving logs of user operations separately? It is unlikely that this is a database

BasiC2k, 2020-02-18

Any requirements of regulatory authorities must be justified by the relevant regulatory legal acts. Let them acquaint you with them, and not with some mythical rules.
Also, regulatory authorities should not influence the decision-making of economic entities. Therefore, if you have chosen such a stack, and it is not forbidden, then this is purely your choice.

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