Alexander Gonchurin2015-01-07 01:01:09
Ruby on Rails
Alexander Gonchurin, 2015-01-07 01:01:09

How to implement multithreading on the site?

For example, I want to make a website where clients can parse the data they need from social networks. So the question is, by what means is it possible to implement it so that the parser of the first, second and third user works in parallel.
How to fasten a proxy to this (to each stream)?

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3 answer(s)
Viktor Vsk, 2015-01-07

For starters - queues, resque, delayed job, sidekiq

Dmitry, 2015-01-10

Bring this functionality to javascript - let user browsers parse the data instead of you. You will have automatic flow to every tab of every browser.
Then ajax will send you to the database.
In addition, you do not have to worry about saving api tokens from each user

Andrew, 2015-01-15

activejob + sidekiq

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