Michael2016-11-01 01:42:30
Michael, 2016-11-01 01:42:30

How to implement CRUD operations on multiple images in ASP .Net?

Hello! Is it possible to implement a CRUD interface with images? Because I am learning to make a store using the example, and there will be an admin panel where, after going to a certain product, several photos will be displayed for it (such as a gallery), and for example, we want to upload new images there or delete them. I can't google anything sensible. Here's what I want for an example:
Only 2 photos will show images, are there any tutorials on this? (Slightly off topic) I found something similar techbrij.com/crud-file-upload-asp-net-mvc-ef-multiple (sorry for links to third-party resources) I downloaded its source but there Entity Exception: Exception of type " System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityException" occurred in EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The underlying provider failed on Open. The whole error knocks out on this line: return View(db.Supports.ToList()); I suffered with these errors, but I didn’t get to the point, I still don’t see the database. I ask you to direct me to the right path, maybe I think wrong, but I need something to edit the gallery photos for each product, thank you!

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3 answer(s)
Michael, 2016-11-04

I decided to create an empty project myself, rather than import it, and connected EF. I wrote the code according to the tutorial and it worked

Andrew, 2016-11-01

Error "The underlying provider failed on Open." means that it is not possible to connect to the database. Most likely, the connection string is incorrect (login or password is not suitable), or the server is unavailable (wrong address, the connection is blocked by a firewall).
The Exception Helper should show the Inner Exception field, which will be more specific about why the connection failed.

Dmitry Bay, 2017-01-07

not in

select * from category where title not in ("test1","test2","tes");

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