zveb2017-12-06 07:07:09
Adobe Acrobat
zveb, 2017-12-06 07:07:09

How to handle JSObject error from vbs script?

I have a vbs script that puts watermarks on pdf files. It works, but when a signed pdf comes across I
get an error. VBS "On Error Resume Next" doesn't catch the error... How to handle the situation?
Below is a piece of code and an error

Set objPDDoc = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
objPDDoc.Open(dpath & fileobj.Name)
Set jso = objPDDoc.GetJSObject
Call jso.addWatermarkFromText("text", jso.app.constants.align.left,  "Arial", 14, jso.Color.blue, 0, jso.numPages, True, True, True, jso.app.constants.align.left, jso.app.constants.align.bottom, 0.4, 35, False, 0.9, False, 0, 1)

Breaks on the line with 'Call jso.addWatermarkFromText')
Windows Script Host
Script: C:\pdf_sign_frd\print_sign.vbs
Line:   463
Char:   4
Error:  NotAllowedError: Запрещен доступ к данному свойству или методу.
Code:   800A03E9
Source: Acrobat JavaScript

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