Igor Popov2019-02-14 12:18:07
Igor Popov, 2019-02-14 12:18:07

How to get /url/ from /url1/url2/url3 using regular expression in JS (instead of text.split('/')[1])?

Hello, I can solve this problem in this way
but I want a more elegant solution using regexp, tell me how this can be done, and what does each character mean in such a regexp solution.
Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir, 2019-02-14

Regular expressions are far from being an elegant solution. They are too heavy for such a simple task.

Pavel Kornilov, 2019-02-14

Here, I sketched a function that parses a string with a URL, maybe. useful:

function parseURL (url) {
  var pU = url.split('/')
  .filter((i, ind, arr)=> i.length && i.indexOf('?') === -1),
      search = url.split('?')[1] || null,
    s = search && search.split('&').reduce((a,c) => {
      var i = c.split('=');
      a[i[0]]= i[1];
      return a;
    }, {});

  return {
    protocol: pU[0].slice(0,-1),
    host: pU[1],
    pathname: '/' + pU.slice(2).join('/') + '/',
    searchFull: '?' + search,
    search: s

console.log(parseURL ('https://codepen.io/KorniloFF/pen/qgMVem?editors=0012'));


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