Big_person2015-11-20 12:20:16
Big_person, 2015-11-20 12:20:16

How to get the value in a string in square brackets using a regular expression?

There is a line like "some text [any number]"
How to get the value in square brackets in php, along with the square brackets themselves?
That is, from the string "some text [any number]" you need to get "[any number]".
To be completely accurate, I need to get a string without everything that is in square brackets, leaving only "some text"
in php, for this you can use
preg_replace($pattern, "", "text[3]"); // text
Here's what to specify in $pattern?

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2 answer(s)
DevMan, 2015-11-20


$str = 'некий текст[36465464]'; 

echo $str, PHP_EOL;
echo preg_replace('/\[\d+\]/', '', $str);

Optimus, 2015-11-20
Pyan @marrk2

preg_replace("/\[(.*?)\]/ism", "", "text[3]");

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