Danil Ostapenko2021-09-15 06:30:22
Danil Ostapenko, 2021-09-15 06:30:22

How to get custom fields from a revision?

Good day, I can’t make friends getting custom fields from revisions of custom post types (yes, they are registered and they have revisions), I tried different options, and through wp_get_post_revisions and through get_children , displaying a list of revisions for a post was no problem, but getting an arbitrary the field from the revision is the whole problem.

Code options:

Via wp_get_post_revisions
        $get_meta_revs = wp_get_post_revisions( $id_obj );

        foreach ( $get_meta_revs as $get_meta_rev ) { ?>

            <? echo $get_meta_rev->ID; ?>
            <? echo get_field( 'phone1', $get_meta_rev->ID );?>

Через get_children:
            $get_meta_revs = get_children( array(
                'post_parent'    => $id_obj,
                'post_type'      => 'revision'
            ) );
            foreach ( $get_meta_revs as $get_meta_rev ) { ?>

                <? echo $get_meta_rev->ID; ?>
                <? echo get_field( 'phone1', $get_meta_rev->ID );?>

            <? } ?>

I also tried to get custom fields through get_field , get_post_meta In desperation, I

even tried to collect IDs in an array in a loop and output them through a standard WP_Query query

In all options, revisions and all info on them are displayed, but not custom fields :|

I will immediately answer the questions:
- Creation of revisions for an arbitrary type of records is indicated and they are created - checked.
(screenshot from admin)

- Yes, the post ID of which I am looking for revisions is - checked.
- Yes, I get revision data with all the info (and revision ID, etc.)
- Through the standard revision check (console > desired entry > revisions), I see changes to this custom field.
- Custom post type created through the plugin: Post Type Builder
- Custom post type registered
- Custom fields created through the plugin: Advanced Custom Fields PRO

- Screen just in case that the revisions themselves are pulled out, but custom fields cannot be pulled up.


PS In the query surf, it either throws on chips with revisions or on buns of arbitrary fields, but together I did not find an option.

Thanks in advance !

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1 answer(s)
Artem Zolin, 2021-09-16

Read this https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/2219...
And this is https://github.com/adamsilverstein/wp-post-meta-re...

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