Max Brilliant2021-08-30 15:01:14
Max Brilliant, 2021-08-30 15:01:14

How to get a list of all wordpress managers?

Hello. Please help with wordpress. I need to implement something like this. There are, for example, "Manager" users, you need to get a list of managers from the user's side, select the user's manager and save. Everything can be done in the user section, but how. Tell me please.

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1 answer(s)
Artem Zolin, 2021-08-30

$args = array(
  'role'   => 'administrator',

if ( $users = get_users( $args ) ) {
  echo '<ul>';
  foreach ( $users as $key => $user ) {
    echo '<li><a href="' . get_author_posts_url( $user->ID ) . '">' . $user->display_name . '</a></li>';
  echo '</ul>';

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