Elvis2020-04-26 16:36:10
Elvis, 2020-04-26 16:36:10

How to fix "io is not defined" error when injecting code?

There is an app for chrome. In it, I add to the page the ability to transfer data to my server using socket.io
On the client side, I do the following:
I implement the library in the head

let sioscript = document.createElement('script');
sioscript.setAttribute('src', 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.3.0/socket.io.js');
let hh = document.querySelector('head');

Next, I implement the connect function and run it from the page
function wsoc(){
    socket = io.connect('http://blablabla.ru/', {path: '/ws/'});
let InjectFunction = function(PageScriptSpace, func) {
    PageScriptSpace.innerHTML += func;
let RunFunction = function (PageScriptSpace, func_name){
    PageScriptSpace.innerHTML += func_name+'();'
PageScriptSpace = document.createElement('script');
InjectFunction(PageScriptSpace, wsoc);
RunFunction(PageScriptSpace, 'wsoc');
h = document.querySelector('head');

But when loading the page, it writes an error "io is not defined".
Further, if I write wsoc () in the console, then everything will work.
Why does this error pop up if I initially add the library itself? Moreover, I set a breakpoint on the connection launch line and looked at the page for the presence of the library and it was already there.

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2 answer(s)
SagePtr, 2020-04-26

After you inject a script tag into the head, do you wait for it to load? Or do you immediately try to work with the variable that is defined in it?

Dubolom Unicellular, 2020-04-26

So create an io variable and give it a require or an Import

const io = require("socket.io");
// или
const io = import io from socket.io;

Or whatever you call socket'a function

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