sampapa2016-04-28 09:51:05
sampapa, 2016-04-28 09:51:05

How to fix ID assignment in MySQL?

In phpmyadmin, I manually changed the article ID in the xxxx_content table. I imported articles from the old site, but to avoid problems, I assigned long numbers to new articles - articles ID 4294967295 turned out.
1. What do I need to fix so that the numbering goes from a different number, and not from 4294967295? What file to go to?
2. What do you need and where to register so that the newly created articles on the site are assigned the ID of already deleted articles? And it turns out that by deleting the article we lose the ID

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2 answer(s)
sampapa, 2016-04-29

Everything, I figured it out. In the table - Operations has changed data in the column
In the picture - now the data has changed

Evgeny Bukharev, 2016-04-28

In theory, this is how it should be, by deleting the article, the id should be deleted accordingly, since there are situations when other tables refer to this one to a specific id, for example, if the article has tags or categories, in your case it is possible that a new article will be reference data that does not belong to it. And you can reset the autoincrement value in the column settings

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