Evgeny Shevtsov2016-03-07 17:14:47
Evgeny Shevtsov, 2016-03-07 17:14:47

How to find value in serialize array?

There is, for example, such an array in mysql
. Is it possible to somehow determine whether it contains the value '9' without converting it to a php array?
That is, at the select stage.
But you need to find exactly the value, because if there is something like that
and there is 9, this will not work.

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3 answer(s)
Melkij, 2016-03-07

Bring data storage back to normal. And you will have a simple and quick search at the subd level.

LittleFatNinja, 2016-03-07

WHERE LOCATE('"5"', col) != 0

Alexander N++, 2016-03-08

better store data in JSON
mysql 5.6+ allows you to search for data by json
although there is an amusing option here
not sure what works, it seems you need to compile this miracle as a plugin

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