KRHD2018-03-05 17:13:21
KRHD, 2018-03-05 17:13:21

How to find out if there is a certain variable in the json response or not without js errors?

In general, there is a script

        $form = $(this);
        $button = $form.find('button');
        $action = $form.attr('action');
          'url': $action,
          'type': "POST", 
          'dataType': "json", 
          'data': $form.serialize(), 
          'success': function(json) {
                                                  if(json.addons.redirect != null){
            $form.find('.notice').html('<div class='+json.response+'>'+json.msg+'</div>');

The response generates the given php code
function ResponseCreate($response, $msg, $data){ 
    $datas = array(
      "response" => $response,
      "msg" => $msg,
      "addons" => $data,
    $data_string = json_encode($datas);  

And it turns out that the response may or may not be redirect , and how to check it without js errors, otherwise js stops when it does not see this variable

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1 answer(s)
Bhudh, 2018-03-05

Wrap the redirect check in a try|catch and decide what to do in the catch block.
Just specify what format your json is in. Or rather, what type.

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