rinaz222019-08-09 07:54:36
rinaz22, 2019-08-09 07:54:36

How to find all name in a form on a website?

Hello! There is a website with 100+ pages. Each has a form. I need to know the name of each field, including the hidden one.
Manually for a very long time, and you can accidentally skip it.
The site is still up and running. Launched via CMD. Worth php7.2

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1 answer(s)
Lander, 2019-08-09

If you directly answer the question, then:
1. Write a script that receives the html of the page from the link, and then searches for all the inputs and takes the name from them
2. Or take the sitemap and feed it to this script , or add a code that pulls out all the links from html and takes the code from them. Of course, you need to mark the pages that have already been worked out.
In general, something makes me think that you are either doing nonsense or doing something wrong. I can’t find another explanation why you needed all the names from all fields of all pages.

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