DVoropaev2019-09-15 10:53:48
DVoropaev, 2019-09-15 10:53:48

How to find a mentor. which will show me how to make my code concise?

I work as a technical support specialist: I administer servers and write scripts to simplify my work. I like this kind of work. In my spare time, I like to program "for myself".
I write code on my knee. to quickly check if my idea works. When everything works, I start to review the code myself. After all, I want my code to be easy to read, easy to debug, concise. This will allow me to improve its functionality at a lower cost.
Even after going through my code many times, I still feel its clumsiness. In this connection, I want to find a mentor who will look at my code once a week and explain where it can be made "prettier".
Here are my three questions:
1) Are there such services on the Internet? where to find? what is the price?
2) Is it necessary? for such an expert to write in the same language as me? If I write in different languages ​​(some in python and some in C) do I need mentors for each language?
3) How did you learn to write beautiful code?

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4 answer(s)
Daniil Maslov, 2019-09-15

1) Of course there is. Google for the word "programming mentor" you will find many suggestions.
2) Optionally, you can find people who understand the nuances of two or three languages.
3) The best way is practice in real projects, it comes with experience.

greatalexander, 2019-09-15

Robert Martin "Clean Code"

BasiC2k, 2019-09-15

Do not try to make the code concise right away, because timing will suffer. Over time, experience will come and you will rethink your code again and water it as it should.

Andrew Nodermann, 2019-10-08

Hello, the easiest thing to do without a mentor is:
1. Divide the code into small functions / methods, for example, if the function is more than 10 lines, it can be broken into a couple of small ones of 5
2. Each function should only do one simple thing
3. If you cannot give the name of the function to identify it, most likely it is complex for you and you need to break it into several simple ones
. There is also a site specifically for code review https://codereview.stackexchange.com where they will help improve your code

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