Edward2020-10-06 12:04:27
Edward, 2020-10-06 12:04:27

How to export to GIF correctly?

Don't tell me what the problem is. In general, before reinstalling Photoshop, I did animation in After Effects, rendered it for Photoshop, and already exported it to GIF from Photoshop, and everything was fine in accordance with the desired GIF size up to 120Kb.
I installed a newer version of Photoshop, and now even the same animation project cannot export less than 120Kb, not to mention new projects. Can you do some Photoshop settings?
I conjure settings here: prnt.sc/utydff

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2 answer(s)
maaGames, 2020-10-06

You can put a 10% loss, it will hardly be visually distinguishable, but it will affect the size.
Transparency is not always useful in animations.
Palettes can also be clicked, colors will change, maybe it will shrink better.

Stepan Voevodin, 2020-10-06

Alternatively, you can compress the gif with a third-party service
. For example - https://www.iloveimg.com/ru/compress-image/compress-gif

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