IIIu6ko2020-10-13 10:19:16
IIIu6ko, 2020-10-13 10:19:16

How to exclude files from stream depending on path?

Good afternoon. I ran into a problem with ikludes in nunjucks.

There is a project structure like this:

- build
  - index.html
- src
  - blocks
    - block1
      - block1.njk
    - block2
      - block2.njk
  - index.njk

If you include block1.njk or block2.njk in index.njk, then everything is fine, but if block2.njk is in block1.njk and then block1.njk in index.njk, then the blocks/block2/block2.html folder appears in build.
Please help exclude files with path blocks/**/*.njk from the stream so that they are not unloaded in build.

// html.
const htmlhint = require('gulp-htmlhint');
const prettyHtml = require('gulp-pretty-html'); // Добавляет индентацию.
const nunjucks = require('gulp-nunjucks-render');
const nunjucksInheritance = require('gulp-nunjucks-inheritance');

function html() {
  return src('src/**/*.{html,njk}', { base: 'src', since: lastRun('html') })

    // Nunjucks
    .pipe(nunjucksInheritance({ base: 'src' })) // Ищем изменения в зависимостях
    .pipe(nunjucks({ path: 'src' })) // Компилируем в HTML

    // Добавляет индентацию для заинклюженных блоков.
    .pipe(prettyHtml({ indent_size: 2 }))

    // HTML-валидатор.

    // Манифест.
    // Если флаг --dist без --norev.
    .pipe(gulpif(dist, gulpif(distRev, revReplace({
      manifest: src('manifest/manifest.json', { allowEmpty: true }),

    // Выгрузка.

    // browserSync.
    .pipe(gulpif(!dist, browserSync.stream())); // Если нет флага --dist.

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