timur1022018-02-23 22:42:17
Network administration
timur102, 2018-02-23 22:42:17

How to ensure the constant work of the miner on vps?

I have a virtual server. For the sake of sporting interest, I decided to hold the miner on vps for a week (to find out how much you can earn). Connected via ssh , configured . Everything works, but as soon as I exit ssh, the miner immediately stops working. What to do?

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2 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2018-02-23

Launch in the background via & or via screen

chromimon, 2018-02-24

It is pointless.
Even on a dedicated server, when using all 100% on the CPU (without GPU), hosting will be more expensive.
There are no fools - if it were profitable - hosters would mine themselves and would not sell their hardware to anyone for nothing.
The whole trick is that without specialized hardware it is not profitable.
However, you can try to mine at home - home electricity rates are low.
How to save the session - well told nearby.

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