sergeevpetro2019-02-19 01:30:25
sergeevpetro, 2019-02-19 01:30:25

How to enable UDMA-6 mode?

Actually a subject.
- Windows 8.1
- HDD HGST HTS541010B7E6100
- Asus X751MD laptop
- "hard" less than a year old. I didn’t pay attention before, but then I somehow decided to check it and wondered why it didn’t work in UDMA-6.
Judging by the data, this mode supports:
Health is in order:
I tried to remove the controller - it does not give anything
New firewood is not found. The BIOS naturally has AHCI.
What can be done?

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2 answer(s)
yayashitoya, 2019-02-19

UDMA-6 is 133 Mb/s
SATA-1 1.5 Gb/s
SATA-3 6 Gb/s
Are you sure you need UDMA-6?

Artem @Jump, 2019-02-19
curated by the

How to enable UDMA-6 mode?
He has to turn himself in.
You probably connected the disk with the wrong cable, you need this -32385.jpg

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