Vladislav2021-01-21 08:42:52
Vladislav, 2021-01-21 08:42:52

How to embed AdBlock Chrome Extension into your site?

There was a task to embed AdBlock into your site.
What for ? You probably see this for the first time...
The bottom line is that I use a video player in which advertising is built in and AdBlock successfully blocks it from my computer.

If most overwhelming users have AdBlock on their computer, not everyone has a browser with a built-in extension on their phone.

And I need to have no ads on my site, even for those people who do not have Adblock, because it will already be embedded in the site.

After digging into AdBlock's sources, I realized that they are divided into several parts and I don't know how to put it all together.
Can you tell me where to dig, or maybe there is already something ready on the git?

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1 answer(s)
acwartz, 2021-01-21

No way without reading the code and rewriting it. The extension has a little more options in terms of access rights both to the page and beyond.
Better place a link under the video "How to remove ads in video on mobile device and PC?" and then google... custom DNS-server on android and watch xda-develpers, w3bsit3-dns.com, etc. I also answered this question not too long ago.
And on the site to do this ... well, that's it. Why do you need to do this when there are a million and one extensions for the user?

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