nick name2017-11-18 21:43:01
Data recovery
nick name, 2017-11-18 21:43:01

How to edit a RAW data array - if it is a 128 gig micro SD card - which the smartphone stopped seeing after overflowing with data?

Good day to you, dear forum users.
What happened to me is the following thing.
Having gone away for an hour, on business, I
left my phone (Nokia Lumia 640 XL dual sim - under Windows phone 8.1) at home.
And in the phone, at that time, the following happened:
I downloaded the series from the torrent and, as the speed was good - and there was not much space on the memory card (I found out about this later) - when I picked up the phone when I returned, I found that he did not see memory card.
What I saw later - by connecting the memory card to the computer's card reader - posted in the screenshots - below.
Used several programs for data recovery.
None of them see the data.
Only - Recuva - was able to cut the image from the card - in vhd format - which, then, was not successfully read. But which was later successfully read by other data recovery programs.
The computer sees the memory card, but does not open it.
I booted from Live CD XP and from Blue Bird (Linux), tried everything that is possible - a memory card - they don’t see Linux at all.
Attention, a question about Chernyshevsky: What to do?
How to restore the performance of a memory card?
It has a lot of necessary information, not counting the fact that all applications are on the map.
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Sincerely, some well.
Summary of experiments:
1) Two hours later - R-Studio 5.4 Build 134265 Corporate Edition Portable x86, issued a list of files, by folder names - I don’t know those, everything is not the same as it was, from application files - a lot of things are missing, including more than six with a half thousand photographs, the tree has not been restored.
It's not clear what to do with all this
2)Handy Recovery 5.0 - after about 2-3 hours - issued a list of sample files - all the files known to it. Do I need to mention that there was no smell of recovered information here.
3) RecoveRx from Transcend did not get on my computer. Therefore, it was not possible to check the effectiveness of the program.
4)7-Data Recovery Suite v3.3, after about five hours - gave a more encouraging result, a lot of recovered media
(the percentage of broken files is 80-85% of the total amount of data recovered,
from 120 gigs - about 35-40 gigs are left)
of data
(excluding about a thousand or so unrecognized files), but without a trace, whatever , meta data .
Restored files in two more suitable of the proposed options.
a) Advanced recovery mode (RAW media format).
b) Partition recovery mode (including MBP markup files).
In both cases, the result is about the same - plus or minus 200 unrecognized files.
Restored metadata - missing in both cases.
Recovery of 120 gigabytes of data took about 2-3 hours.
The question of what to do and how to restore the memory card to its previous state remains.
5) Considering that Recuva and Easy Recovery did not help much, I decided to return to WinHex. At the moment, I cut them into an image from a memory card. After completion - I'll try to read the image, again WinHex. Let's see what happens.
If not, then Acronis is next in line.

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1 answer(s)
15432, 2017-11-18

to your data recovery office.
At home, it may be possible to reflash, losing all information.

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