kappka32019-03-24 05:06:07
kappka3, 2019-03-24 05:06:07

How to earn $1000 freelancing as a coder?

I have been doing layout for over 3 years.
I have a good portfolio and experience.
I type quickly, I use the html css js gulp stack, I can do everything that is necessary on js, jquery
I know the backend kitchen at a good level (php, mysql, laravel)
I can put the layout on wp without any problems.
But it tends more towards layout and frontend.
I'm trying to work on one of the freelance exchanges, where there are already more than 30 good reviews and a rating.
But so far it's getting tight: over the past 2 weeks, I've earned only 15 thousand, working every day .. I took small orders and a couple of small layout projects. The competition is big, even with reviews it's hard to compete with a bunch of people dumping prices. And dumping myself, I get earnings at the level of 15 thousand / 2 weeks ...
In general, tell me, is it really possible to earn the $ 1000 I mentioned on freelance doing layout? If yes, please suggest how to get there. Maybe I don’t know enough, or I’m not looking for clients there.

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15 answer(s)
Sanes, 2019-03-24

Find buyers for $1000. Freelancing is an entrepreneurial activity.

Puma Thailand, 2019-03-24

Take orders more difficult five orders of two hundred and already 1000

ReActor Dmitry Vershansky, 2019-03-24

Make your own project, realize yourself in it and for yourself.
For 3 years, you have not understood that the approach - I do good to someone, realizing his dreams, does not bring you the desired amount?

artem78, 2019-03-24

Find a permanent office job. There will be more stability. And the money is not so bad either.

Northern Lights, 2019-03-24

Who said you have to make $1,000 freelancing?
Everything comes from your own misunderstanding of simple things. You yourself write:

The competition is big , even with reviews it 's hard to compete with a bunch of people dumping prices.
In general, I am surprised at people who firmly believe in fairy tales that are not clear who invented about freelancing.
A friend of mine recently decided to freelance. As a result, in horror, he fled back to the office.

abmanimenja, 2019-03-24

But so far it's getting tight: over the past 2 weeks, I've earned only 15 thousand, working every day .. I took small orders and a couple of small layout projects. The competition is big, even with reviews it is hard to compete with a bunch of people dumping prices. And dumping myself, I get earnings at the level of 15 thousand / 2 weeks ...

Good earnings and less competition on more complex things.

Ivan Gordienko, 2019-03-24

What is the beauty of freelancing? Find a remote job. Improve the stack, for example, take a look at Vue.js, where they pay very well right now. I myself typeset and stand at the crossroads of back and front. I can’t leave my main job, because “freelancing” really makes money consistently and well - it’s difficult, if almost impossible (on layout).

Igor Vorotnev, 2019-03-28

Follow a few simple rules:
- Only Western exchanges (or rather Upwork, it's enough for one head)
- Only diligently filtered customers (with ratings, rates, an adequate approach, etc.)
- Only hourly, no fixed priced
- Only projects "from X hours ", no minor tweaks for a couple of hours
- Hourly rate corresponding to the level of layout and service in general
That is, sit down and catch adequate orders that pass these filters. The probability of long-term projects or regular customers with this approach is quite high. Over time, you get contracts for partial loading from one or more clients and work for them on a permanent basis, through the same Upwork.

Flying, 2019-03-25

Work in more expensive markets, this will either work less or earn more. To go there, first of all, you need to know English, unfortunately you did not indicate whether you know it at a sufficient level. If not, this is a great goal for investing your time, if yes, then it’s strange that you continue to work where you can earn 15 thousand rubles in 2 weeks.
If you managed to get a decent rating on one exchange, then, although not immediately, it should work on another. In addition, it is not uncommon when a single order develops into a long-term cooperation on other conditions.
Take care of how your work is presented in public space. A GitHub profile where you can rate your code work, Stack Overflow and Toaster profiles where you can rate your questions/answers, etc. A portfolio of your work that can be quickly shown to present your work in a favorable light - all this will give you the opportunity to gradually increase the rate and have arguments to justify it, which, over time, will certainly lead to an increase in income. Now, as far as a quick search of your username on the Internet will tell, all these areas are not doing very well, so you do not stand out from the crowd of performers. And if you also agree to work "for food" - then this is how you will be evaluated.
Naturally, self-learning and development in relevant areas are also necessary factors. Feedback is also very important, for example, they are often asked to conduct a code review, and Stack Overflow even has a separate section for this . If you had links to your portfolio in your profile, you could draw some conclusion about your current level and its compliance with your salary expectations.
The moral is simple: develop and do not sell your time cheap, then everything will work out :)

uRoot, 2019-03-26

It took me less than a year to understand that CIS freelancing is garbage. I felt a little foreign freelance, where prices for the same work are two or three times higher. Go to the office or remotely and sit on the payroll. At least you will feel like a person, and not do everything at once, if only the client pays. Try foreign freelancing, it is not necessary to know much English: you need a layout - you are a layout.

Vitaly Kuznetsov, 2019-03-26

No way. Not at all.
Layout is a very, very narrow direction.
My advice from experience is to do subcontracting remotely, you will definitely earn $1000.

Sergey Nekrasov, 2019-03-26

Freelancing is a very specific format of work, especially in Russia. Once upon a time, freelancers were criticized, but now customers have become the same, they may not pay extra. Deadline requirements are usually catastrophically compressed.
There is an exit. If you really trudge from layout, then try to look for long-term clients and, accordingly, the work must be done flawlessly, even if you spend 2-3 hours more.
Look towards the sites where they sell templates, wp - themes. The requirements for layout there are very high, pass it right away. But then the template will be sold, and you will drip money from sales.

Anton Hersun, 2019-03-28

for 16 years of freelance work, the alignment was approximately as follows: for 1000 programming tasks, only 1 layout task came.
Even if we take long-term projects for 5 years or more, the layout took 1 or 2 months, and then for 5 years programmers cut and finish the project and support it, buying apartments and cars along the way, traveling for their own pleasure.
At one time, the html academy realized that they would not make money with layout and opened a layout school, where they taught layout to people who are now rushing around the exchanges and do not understand what's the matter, where the promised money is, but they are not. you have been scammed.

Andrey Andreev, 2019-03-28

Maybe you are doing something wrong?
For 3 years, freelancing is usually so overgrown with constant orders that there is no time to enter the exchange at all.
Unfortunately, it is not customary to give any kind of fibdek in freelancing. You gave the layout to the customer, the customer gave it to the backend developer - if he didn’t like it, the customer will no longer contact you.
haml/slim/pug less/sass webpack
Vue, React

Mpazzz, 2019-04-21

Work for the Western market on Western exchanges such as upwork. There you can sell yourself for $10-15 per hour.

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