Alistair O2017-11-10 06:07:42
Alistair O, 2017-11-10 06:07:42

How to display subtitles on video?

Good afternoon,
I downloaded the video lessons from the torrent, the lessons are very interesting and in English, in order to understand it even better, I would like to understand it in Russian,
I'm afraid to upload it to YouTube, as there is a possibility that they will block it,
tell me if there are other services to get subtitles in English, but it will be cool if even in Russian, like in YouTube.

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2 answer(s)
Yoshinon Eared, 2017-11-10

Learn English, it will come in handy :)

Artemy, 2018-07-09

Adequate way-1: hire a typist
Addition 1a: hire a translator (or translator program)
Adequate way-2: buy (I haven’t seen a good one in the public domain) a voice recognition program + 1a
Adequate way-3: train your neural network + 1a
Semi-adequate way -4: Download the "Yandex. Conversation" application and make it listen to the video (I'm not sure that it will recognize it in English) + 1a
"Well, a completely inadequate way": learn English to view such content.

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