dmitry20002021-10-02 23:37:22
dmitry2000, 2021-10-02 23:37:22

How to display repeater in wordpress repeater?

I have such a field structure - there is a repeater, it has a repeater-in-repeater (another repeater) and a repeater-title. Further in the repeater-in-repeater, in fact, the repeater with the fields repeater-in-repeater-title, repeater-in-repeater-img, repeater-in-repeater-ul, repeater-in-repeater-price. This is how I output:

<?php if (have_rows('repeater')) : ?>

                    <?php while (have_rows('repeater')) : the_row();

                        // переменные
                        /* $rir = get_sub_field('repeater-in-repeater'); */
                        $title = get_sub_field('repeater-title');

                        <h3><?php $title ?></h3>

                        <?php if (have_rows('repeater-in-repeater')) : ?>

                            <?php while (have_rows('repeater-in-repeater')) : the_row();
                                $rir_title = get_sub_field('repeater-in-repeater-title');
                                $rir_img = get_sub_field('repeater-in-repeater-img');
                                $rir_ul = get_sub_field('repeater-in-repeater_ul');
                                $rir_price = get_sub_field('repeater-in-repeater-price');


                                <div class="catalog-flex">

                                    <div class="catalog-flex__item">

                                        <h3><?php $rir_title ?></h3>

                                        <div class="catalog-flex__item__flex">
                                            <div class="catalog-flex__item__flex__item"><a class="catalog-flex__item__flex__item__a" href="<?php echo $rir_img; ?>"><img src="<?php echo $rir_img['url']; ?>" alt="<?php echo $rir_img['alt'] ?>" /></a></div>
                                            <div class="catalog-flex__item__flex__item">
                                                <?php $rir_ul ?>
                                                <div class="catalog-flex__item__flex__item__price"><?php $rir_price ?></div>
                                                <div class="catalog-flex__item__flex__item__btn"><button class="modal-btn">Заказать</button></div>

                                        <?php echo $content; ?>


                            <?php endwhile; ?>

                        <?php endif; ?>

                    <?php endwhile; ?>

                <?php endif; ?>

But the site doesn't show anything. How to get it right in the end?

Picture for clarity:6158c36b776e6225389554.png

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1 answer(s)
Ivan K, 2021-10-03

$repeater = get_field('имя главного повторителя');
foreach( $repeater as $item ) {	
     // Если надо вывести поле из первого повторителя		
    echo $item['поле повторителя'];   
    // Повторитель внутри повторителя		
    foreach ( $item['имя повторителя в повторителе'] as $subitem ) {
          echo $subitem['поле повторителя'];      

I did this up to 5 nested repeaters,

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