Anton none2017-10-31 16:19:58
Anton none, 2017-10-31 16:19:58

How to display certain fields in woocommerce depending on the payment method?

We need a plugin for woocommerce...
here's how it should be implemented:
The client adds the product to the cart and proceeds to payment
in front of him a standard payment page, where they ask you to enter your full name, address and other data...
how to make it so that when choosing different methods payment (card, webmoney, qiwi, etc.) were only certain fields displayed for filling?
for example, for cards, you need to fill in everything - (Name, Surname, address, phone, mail)
and for qiwi I want to make the required fields minimum, for example: name, mail, phone number .... and
I don’t want to load the buyers with red tape, google tried in different ways, could not find anything suitable, please advise plugins

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