namata2011-12-29 21:07:23
Google Chrome
namata, 2011-12-29 21:07:23

How to disable CHROME control with magic mouse gestures on mac?

Hesitated by the constant return of the story with an accidental "swipe" on the mouse. I didn't find anything in the settings. Did you search badly?

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5 answer(s)
Anatoly Gulyaev, 2016-03-04

Write in the terminal:
for El Captain users:

defaults write com.google.Chrome AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE

phasma, 2011-12-30

> OK - This isn't a real fix, but I turned off "swipe between pages" in System Preferences -> Trackpad -> More Gestures.

best91, 2018-06-14

For Yandex browser
For Vivaldi

defaults write com.vivaldi.Vivaldi AppleEnableSwipeNavigateWithScrolls -bool FALSE

Vitaly Peretyatko, 2011-12-30

Install BetterTouchTool, the program allows you to set different actions for mouse gestures, including supports different settings for different applications.

Sergey Aganezov, 2011-12-30

And who knows how to turn on the history run in chrome by a two-finger gesture on the trackpad?
MacBook pro 13" early 2011, Lion, 16 Chrome
This trick only works when opening pdf

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