Crash2015-08-05 14:38:02
Career in IT
Crash, 2015-08-05 14:38:02

How to develop in programming if only money motivates?

I think many will agree that programming is far from the best way to make money. The work is difficult, the salaries are not the highest. You sit in one place, you communicate little with people) But I chose it because of poor health (the consequences of injuries, it was not always like that). Now I work in the office and I use PHP for internal projects. Salary is enough for now, but more will be required in the future. There are not many jobs in my city. I don’t have a higher education, I’m also unlikely to work with people) I don’t see much point in moving to another region, so I rely on remote work.
Now I study design patterns and software architecture. This is interesting to me and more or less understandable. The algorithm is worse. Based on my experience, I think that the work of supporting large long-term construction projects is ideal for me. But how effective can you work on them remotely? I enjoy refactoring more than storming my brain with non-routine problems. The old one is probably already (
How can I "evolve" further in this situation and intentions? I'm 27 years old if anything.
UPD (09/10/2017):Now I am professionally developing projects on Yii2, but in the future I decided to upgrade myself not as a programmer, but as a webmaster. Those. Now programming for me is gradually fading into the background. I try myself in the development of info sites, I want to make money on advertising. I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I do not complain about life. Something like this)

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12 answer(s)
heartdevil, 2015-08-05

I'm 27 years old, by the way.

Nothing, old man)).
I'm 30, if anything). And I'm slowly learning too. I realized that Intrinsic Challenge is better than Extrinsic. You have to get used to stepping out of your comfort zone. Otherwise, this work is no different from working at a factory behind a machine tool).
Motivate yourself. Try to come up with your own projects and work on them. And work not in one direction, but in several.

Nikolay Talanov, 2015-08-05

If you want money, make a name for yourself. Saw things for open source (github and the like) / demos and some articles (this is a little more difficult, because you need English standards, or you can write in Russian and then translate with someone's help). In parallel with this, you will receive freelance orders (clients will contact you themselves) to improve your skills, portfolio and, of course, receive adequate money. Unlike standard office work in the CIS, growth here is far from linear. In the CIS office (not a top-level company, although I’m not sure that everything is sweet there), it is often difficult to get an increase of 10-30% every 4-12 months, and sometimes the only way to increase salary is to move to the office of another company. On the freelancing that I described above, no one bothers to increase the hourly rate by 5 bucks every time after completing 1/2 of the projects.
Well, if you are not interested in freelancing in the long term, then having a certain contribution to the community and a good portfolio behind you, it will not be very difficult to find a job in some foreign company.
And of course you have to be a good specialist :)

Dmitry, 2015-08-06

I can advise how I got out of the "burned out" state.
1. I started doing exercises and doing push-ups in the morning. Even if you get sick and have no strength, 1 time is still enough. The mistake of many is that they try a lot at once, and then they are afraid of it and they put it off. And if the brain understands: 1 time is not much, then it is easier for them to do it.
Start push-ups, from 1 time and every week increase by 1.
2. Change the way you come home. If you always walk in courtyards, today go along the main one.
The eye should not be cloudy.
Start with these two, if anything, after 2-3 weeks, write in a comment and I will tell you what to do next. Let's start small

@codingal, 2015-08-05

If only money, then sales are smart “order seekers” for teams and companies now worth their weight in gold. In a few years you will make connections and you will ride like cheese in butter, sales with 15 years of experience receive 18,000 euros per month (this is a real person). But the work is hellish for developers, who for the most part do not like to crawl out of their comfort zone, you need to call and write all day long, ask for meetings, work with objections, not respond to rudeness and provocations and sell-sell-sell. Well, you can forget about a coding career, except perhaps on weekends for yourself, in a couple of years the qualification will be lost.

trevoga_su, 2015-08-05

work supporting large long-term construction projects is ideal for me
large long-term projects are done by teams. the business logic of such projects is very complex and it is there that people-brains are needed who are able to save knowledge about how these projects work. remote doesn't work here. It's trivial not to figure out how everything works without hints.

belkin-labs, 2015-08-06

Money is not the best motivation. If you feel that only money motivates you, then you need to sound the alarm. I'll give you an analogy. Do you know what happens to a person who is motivated only by "good food?" He most often falls ill with something incurable, such as diabetes, and dies prematurely, in a panic that he will not be able to eat in the next world and in full confidence that his life has been lived in vain.
It's the same with money. But monetary motivation is a little more complicated than food, and therefore the punishment for it is more sophisticated and cruel.
In order to achieve success, one must not think about money, but think about business. Dedicate all your work not to money, but to something lofty and abstract. If you believe in God, then him. If you do not believe - then universal happiness (for example). You need to be kind to people, always share information and your knowledge. And without holding on to the most delicious.
Programming is a spiritual activity. It will not be successful if it becomes a routine. To earn a lot of money you have to go into business. But even there you need to think not about money. Businessmen are motivated by the process of taking money out of something that does not seem to contain them. One of the main business tools is marketing (creation and promotion of services). Well, there are a lot of so-called business truths, one of which says that a project for 10 thousand dollars and a million dollars are not too different in terms of labor costs, but to figure out why someone chooses a project for 10 thousand dollars everyone should figure it out for themselves.
One more thing. From there. If you didn’t sell lemonade to your classmates as a child, didn’t speculate in lipstick among classmates, didn’t lend money at the interest of high school students, then you might earn something, maybe even a lot, but you will never become truly rich.
If anything, I'm 48 and I don't consider myself an old man. But the views on money, of course, after forty years, people change dramatically.

Radmir, 2015-08-05

Be a salesperson, for example, software products, if you understand programming, at least a little of this will be enough for sales.
It's never too late to learn programming, =)
The main thing is to like it, and the salary of programmers, even through remote work, is very good and seems to be growing.

Sasha, 2015-08-05

So you didn't choose.

CodeArsenal.net, 2015-08-09

Try to start a blog on the subject of programming with the expectation of making money on advertising from the blog.
I did this: CodeArsenal.net
Although the salary is not big, it keeps you in good shape, plus it's good for a resume.
Good luck!

Mintormo, 2015-08-12

It seems to me that the question could be formulated differently: how to develop a programmer who has become one for the sake of earning and due to insurmountable circumstances?

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