ZeroMorale2020-02-17 16:58:43
IT education
ZeroMorale, 2020-02-17 16:58:43

How to develop a systematic approach to learning?

Hello. I'm trying to develop a template road-map for myself to learn new skills or technologies. The problem is, it is difficult for me to break the learning process into small, understandable steps, along which I would move smoothly and understand the logic of each step. For example, I want to pass the theory on the rights. Where to begin. Examine all tickets for the exam. How to study - cramming or disassemble with an instructor? How to build an effective learning process so that the information settles in your head? The idea may seem silly to you, but I would be grateful if you shared your experience on the approach to systemic learning. Thanks

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1 answer(s)
Anton R., 2020-02-17

The whole point is that our memory is arranged in such a way that we remember 2 types of information well:
1. Something very bright and emotional.
2. What we constantly use.
Everything else settles somewhere very deep or is forgotten, since neurons in the brain are constantly updating connections, that is, we cannot, like a hard drive, write information to the brain and then get it, it is constantly "mixed" and unnecessary / unused is deleted.
As for traffic rules tickets - I have rights, I got them many years ago and now I can say 100% that I will NOT pass the exam - because I forgot many of the nuances, but I remembered them when I needed to.
So it all depends on practice - what you use is what you remember and there is no need to be afraid to forget something.

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