mk202019-08-14 23:05:32
Social media
mk20, 2019-08-14 23:05:32

How to develop a large-scale social network (About technology, selection of programmers, and more)?

Hello. Help me please.
What do you think is the best way to use programming technologies to implement a social network? Everything needs to be done in such a way that this social network can be developed to a very, very large level (in terms of scale, audience size, for example, something like Facebook or Instagram. Just in case, I’ll clarify that I cited Facebook and Instagram as an example just so that you understand the scale... Should you
immediately refuse ready-made solutions for the implementation of social networks?
Also, I need to evaluate somehow, to understand whether the programmer will "pull" this business or not. He does not need to know everything right away, but he should be able to learn the necessary technology if necessary. Please advise how this can be understood. What are the minimum skills required to do this? What level of mathematics should be? (I understand that different programmers are needed, and some basic knowledge of mathematics will be enough for one, while the other may need something complicated). At the same time, it is necessary that everything be done in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of some kind of technical problems (or at least big problems) to a minimum (problems due to incorrect, poor-quality actions of the programmer).
What do you think, what is the optimal number of developers should be in order to start development? (In this case, this number may increase in the process). To keep it from taking too long. Just please, without any unrealistic numbers ... And also, what is the minimum required number of developers, in your opinion, should be in order to do this (in the process, the number may increase). So that it doesn't take too long.
Also, I will be very glad to listen to any advice on this matter (only please, I beg you, take it seriously, without excuses, without joking).
Is it worth it to deal with freelance programmers?
Is it possible to somehow protect the idea from theft by team members? Or is there only one option - to look for decent people?

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5 answer(s)
Ronald McDonald, 2019-08-14

Google killer with freelance programmers?
And you are funny.

Ivan Shumov, 2019-08-14

I will write again) such large-scale projects begin with the collection of requirements, the development of architecture and the creation of a concept. It may take months and not a few millions before the launch. What team is needed for this - it will not be clear at the start

orbit070, 2019-08-14

From ready-made solutions for the implementation of social. networks immediately refuse?

Any. The ability to "develop to a very, very large level" does not depend on technology, it is purely an architectural task, and today it is not difficult.
It's time to write a book so that this question is no longer asked. If you yourself are not a highly qualified developer, at least in the past, then all your attempts to understand whether a programmer is pulling a position are equal in utility to tossing a coin. Just believe: such a project should be led by a competent person who will deal with both the design of the system itself and the selection of personnel. This position is called CTO.
Any, including zero. Well, this is so in advance, but in general, see the previous paragraph - you will not be able to cope with the task of selecting developers.
Depends on ambitions and tasks. If you only have a web version - 1 front, 1 back, devops with the soul of an admin and a database developer are enough for mvp. It will do for the foundation. If mobile applications are also needed - + 2 developers of mobile clients.
It's very hard not to joke here, but I can do it. Do not deal with freelancers.
You can force them to sign a non-disclosure paper, but this is a waste of time. Do not worry that your brilliant idea will be stolen, no one except you needs it (let it not seem so to you). Just imagine how many resources you need to implement it, do you think the developers who get a job with you have such resources to steal your idea and assemble a team for implementation themselves? Well, do not forget that even if you implement the idea, the probability that someone other than you will need it is about 2%. So you don't have to worry about this at all.

Moskus, 2019-08-14

Also, I will be very glad to listen to any advice on this matter (only please, I beg you, take it seriously, without excuses, without joking).

Nothing personal, but if the future leader of any project is not able to accept objective criticism of the project or indications that the project has signs of failure, then big problems await him. Business in IT is the same business. If your product is obviously unprofitable, for example, then the right approach is either not to start production, or to completely revise its plan.

ThunderCat, 2019-08-14

What do you think is the best way to use programming technologies to implement a social network?
Are you the lead developer/technical director? Or an ideological inspiration? In the first case, you yourself must decide what and where to use, in the second case, hire the first ones, they will determine the requirements for the functionality based on the terms of reference (as I understand it, you are well prepared and you already have it).
Just in case, I’ll clarify that I cited Facebook and Instagram as an example just so that you understand the scale ...
No questions asked, we here once every 2-3 weeks communicate with such scalers.
At the same time, it is necessary that everything be done in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of some kind of technical problems (or at least big problems) to a minimum (problems due to incorrect, poor-quality actions of the programmer).
A competent lead / technical director with implemented live projects is the basis for the stability of the system.
What do you think, what is the optimal number of developers should be in order to start development?
from 1 to 2000 (number of Facebook employees in 2011). Ask the lead. All that relates to development issues - ask your head of technical issues. You still didn’t really describe anything here, what kind of answer are you waiting for?
Is it worth it to deal with freelance programmers?
Ask the lead. If he manages to fit them into the overall development - why not?
Is it possible to somehow protect the idea from theft by team members? Or is there only one option - to look for decent people?
If the idea is really original - a patent. But the idea of ​​emnip is not always subject to patent law. + NDA
nevertheless, you can’t foresee everything, as you know, the idea of ​​​​fb is stolen (and there is even a famous movie).

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