Anton2019-06-16 11:31:20
Anton, 2019-06-16 11:31:20

How to determine the gender of a person from a photo of a face?

I am not familiar with Python at all, I have a rough idea that in this matter it is necessary to look towards machine learning libraries, so please tell me so that I can implement such an algorithm:
1. Thousands of photos with men are uploaded to the Mans folder.
2. Thousands of photos of faces with women are uploaded to the Womens folder.
3. When uploading a photo of any site, it determines whether it is a man or a woman.

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3 answer(s)
alfss, 2019-06-16


Arseny Kravchenko, 2019-06-16

Any convolutional network. Or take a ready-made apish like https://algorithmia.com/algorithms/deeplearning/Ge...

Yorik Callil, 2019-06-16

You can start with OpenCV, everything is quite simple there, in the end you will get exactly what you want.
I've done this myself, so I recommend it.
Here is an article, OpenCV Training Haar Cascade

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