olka132021-07-14 23:52:39
olka13, 2021-07-14 23:52:39

How to determine the file format on the site and change the layout for it?

Hello, tell me a script that changes the code depending on the file extension.
For example, an image and video, or a sound file and an archive.
Something like

if ext .mp3
<audio src="name.mp3" controls></audio>
<a href="name.zip" download>Скачать файл</a>

There are files of different formats in a pile and I would like to make an individual html output code for them, but I don’t know which file can appear on which page. Is there any solution? Preferably in js if possible.

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1 answer(s)
Localhost, 2021-07-15

$filename = 'file.mp3'; //сам файл

$format = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //определяем формат

if($format == 'mp3'){
echo '<audio src="'.$filename.'"></audio>'
}else if($format == 'mp4'){
echo '<video><source src="'.$filename.'" type="video/mp4"></video>' 
}else if($format == 'jpg'){
echo '<img src="'.$filename.'">'
echo 'формат не найден'

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