Alexey Tipa2014-02-11 13:12:26
Alexey Tipa, 2014-02-11 13:12:26

How to detect virus software?

The provider blocks our access to the Internet, referring to the fact that there is a virus on the computer that creates a lot of outgoing traffic.
Antivirus failed.
Advise some software that shows the activity of applications on the network.

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3 answer(s)
young8junkie, 2014-02-11

Put linux and the provider will not be able to otmazyvaetsya some viruses.

oia, 2014-02-11

Linux is not a panacea, there are also viruses
: run www.nirsoft.net/utils/network_traffic_view.html or a Windows resource monitor, you will see what and where
to scan the system rescuedisk.kaspersky-labs.com/rescuedisk/updatable...
you can have provider to find out what traffic and to which nodes they consider malicious

Sufiks Sufiksovich, 2014-02-11

1. (I will advise THIS antivirus anyway) Scan the system with Bitdefender antivirus (let it work in paranoid mode). It issues requests to pass traffic. That is, only what you allow will go.
2. Install Kfsensor , it will show very well what is happening and where it connects and what is sent (received). - highly recommend!

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