Nikita Kit2016-05-24 00:55:40
Nikita Kit, 2016-05-24 00:55:40

How to delay the appearance of elements on the page using CSS?

there is a block on the page, the appearance of which I want to set 2 seconds after loading.
The keyframe does its job, but after the animation plays, the element disappears again. If you set a strict opacity 1 to an element in its properties, then it appears on the page immediately after loading, then after the animation-delay value, the appearance animation is played.
Is it possible to make it take the value opacity 1 after the animation is played, and before - opacity 0. Or will I have to resort to the Jedi power of setTimeout?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Strukov, 2016-05-24

Can be done via animation-fill-mode: both

Sergey Sofichev, 2016-05-24

scrollReveal.js is very + simple

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