forwox2021-08-06 23:42:39
forwox, 2021-08-06 23:42:39

How to decompose a mass written in kg into all units of measurement?

Good day!

There is a table like this:
The base unit of measurement in it is the kilogram.
There is a formula

$quantity = 12514.1212134545342; // КГ
$units = массив с данными из таблицы.
function fullNameUnit($quantity,$units) {
          $res = array(); 
          foreach ($units as $unit) {   
              if ($quantity==0) { break; }
              $res[$unit['code']] = rtrim(floor($quantity / $unit['base_unit_quantity'])); 
              $quantity = $quantity % $unit['base_unit_quantity'];
          return $res;
dd($quantity . ' кг', fullNameUnit($quantity,$data);

The result of the function execution
The function, by break, stops at kg and does not count what is after the decimal point in the $quantity variable, because otherwise an error occurs. But it is necessary that the weight be displayed in full, for example like this:
11 tons 7 centners 34 kilograms 120 grams 210 centigrams 454 milligrams 534 micrograms

How to fix this? How can this feature be improved?

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2 answer(s)
galaxy, 2021-08-07

// $quantity = $quantity % $unit['base_unit_quantity'];
$quantity -= $res[$unit['code']] * $unit['base_unit_quantity'];

forwox, 2021-08-07

Thank you, I didn’t think that it was so easy to solve)
BUT this method does not work quite correctly:
In general, for some reason there is an error in the calculations, as far as I understood on the smallest unit of measurement.
What could be the problem?

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