mikoniyan2019-09-22 23:57:39
mikoniyan, 2019-09-22 23:57:39

How to create components, are there any style guides or how-to guides?

I started to understand JS Frameowrks and came across the fact that I used to create simple css blocks (by bem), and in vue or react they are not just html css blocks, but also execute a lot of js.
Tell me what to learn and where to dig in order to correctly create components?

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1 answer(s)
Anton Shvets, 2019-09-23

In different frameworks, the role of components is slightly different.
But in general, solid should be observed, the component should do one thing, have a concise interface, expand through wrappers and communicate only with the nearest entities.
The super ability to correctly divide an application into components will only come with practice. While you can strive for "the simpler the component, the better", this is especially true for React.

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