Maxim Fedin2021-10-23 14:20:10
Sound processing
Maxim Fedin, 2021-10-23 14:20:10

How to create an equalizer?

I am making a signal generator: sine, rectangle, triangle, noise, saw and input from a microphone to a common mixer. I want to add an equalizer, but I have not seen ready-made examples. How to calculate f(x) for a specific frequency of an equalizer band knowing for example the size (quality factor) of the band in octaves?

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1 answer(s)
pulsework, 2021-10-28

if you are a pure programmer and have never heard of DSP, then the easiest thing for you to do is to add host VST to your program! This will allow you to plug into your program thousands of free sound effects, including hundreds of different equalizers. If you study at a university with a specialty, for example, radio engineering, then you will finally have to open a textbook on DSP and read how to design filters. But even in this case, I still recommend adding host VST

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