Edwin Petrovich2019-12-22 12:48:54
Edwin Petrovich, 2019-12-22 12:48:54

How to correctly land an object (mesh) in Blender?

Question: how in Blender to gravitationally correctly land a mesh to the surface / face of another mesh?
That is, for a complex-shaped mesh - for example, an "incandescent lamp" - to gravitationally lie on a plane/face ("tabletop" mesh) with those points of its surface that a real physical lamp lies in physical reality.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Pavlyuk, 2019-12-24

To lay down on a complex surface directly in physics, make the lamp as a dynamic rigid body, make the surface as a static rigid body, make a very small gravity, turn on the simulation and wait until the lamp lands gently.
But in the case of a table, you can not bathe, turn on the side view, land by eye through G. Well, this is not CAD to ensure accuracy.

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