derSamara2015-08-04 14:50:51
derSamara, 2015-08-04 14:50:51

How to correctly implement copying array elements from the 1st Tableview to the 2nd Tableview?

1st tableview (list of recipes) - a list of recipes is stored, a button "add to favorites" is displayed above each recipe.
2nd tableview - table of favorite recipes.
When clicking on "add to favorites" the element was added to the 2nd tableview.
Thank you for your attention.

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2 answer(s)
Volodymyr Lavryk, 2015-08-04

I would do this:
create a new NSMutableArray that is meant to store the values ​​of the selected cells, and then pass this array to the new table as a data source.

Alexander Podrezov, 2015-08-07

Good afternoon.
In delphi, in order to copy an object, the Assign object method is used to which an object of the same type is passed.
Perhaps the tableview has a similar
Thank you!

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