K0lejnik2016-07-31 14:54:42
visual studio
K0lejnik, 2016-07-31 14:54:42

How to correctly compile Cyrillic in C++ visual studio 2015 sources?

There are Cyrillic characters in the C++ source code that need to be output to the console. The source code itself is saved in utf-8 encoding. When compiling, it gives the following warning: warning C4566: the character represented by the universal character name "\u0435" cannot be represented in the current code page (1252
) system coding). Supposedly I found a solution (maybe it helped someone) #pragma execution_character_set("utf-8") we tell compilers not to convert it to sys. encoding. Warnings are gone, but Cyrillic is displayed incorrectly. Can anyone help solve this issue?
If it will be useful (windows 10 32 bit) English,

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1 answer(s)
xmoonlight, 2016-07-31

write the character normally as is, not in code.
everything is already in UTF-8.

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