No_Name02016-12-07 00:48:26
Adobe Photoshop
No_Name0, 2016-12-07 00:48:26

How to convert Photoshop tracking to px for css?

What unit of measurement does Photoshop use to set font tracking?
How to convert this size to simple px?

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3 answer(s)
No_Name0, 2016-12-07

I guess
40 is 0.4px

Rodion Smolyakov, 2016-12-07

The formula for calculating letter-spacing in em is:
X / 1000 = Y
Where X is the spacing value in Photoshop and Y is the same value expressed in em for CSS.
X * S / 1000 = P
Where X is the spacing value in Photoshop, S is the font size in pixels (when working at 72 dpi), and P is the spacing value for CSS.
Some browsers calculate the spacing value in pixels even if it is given in em: it rounds up to an integer value.

Oleg, 2016-12-07

I hope I explained it clearly =)

I hope it's clear how to search in Google

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