mr jeery2018-06-27 03:05:18
mr jeery, 2018-06-27 03:05:18

How to consistently call promises with minimal delay?

You need to call the promises from the array sequentially with a minimum delay between calls of 3 seconds , so that 'r1` is printed after 1s, then `r2` after 4s, then `r3` after 3s.
Now r1 and r2 are displayed as they should, and r3 is immediately after r2. Problem with setting minimum delay for r3. Please help. My code is below.

class Y {
        constructor() {
            this.promises = new Array();

        push(promise) {

            this.promises.push(_ => promise)



    async function runPromisesInSequence(promises) {

        for (let promise of promises) {

            console.log(await promise());

    const pr1 = new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res('r1'), 1000));
    const pr2 = new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res('r2'), 5000));
    const pr3 = new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res('r3'), 0));

    let y = new Y();


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2 answer(s)
Anton Shvets, 2018-06-27

async function delayedPromise(cb) {
  const delay = () => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000));
  const result = await Promise.all([cb(), delay()]);
  return result[0];
async function runPromisesInSequence(promises) {
  for (let promise of promises) {
    console.log(await delayedPromise(promise), new Date());
const pr1 = () => new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res('r1'), 1000));
const pr2 = () => new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res('r2'), 5000));
const pr3 = () => new Promise(res => setTimeout(() => res('r3'), 0));
const y = [pr1, pr2, pr3];

Also, pay attention when you write
Your setTimeout starts at the same moment. Those. you run all three of them at the same time

Sergey Sokolov, 2018-06-28

Tried to deal with Promise and async/await. Roughly understood, thanks to your question, documentation and answer Anton
In order for the very first element not to add a delay, I made an additional. condition:

const delay = _ => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, 3e3));

async function notSoFast(promise) {
  result = await Promise.all([ promise, delay()]);
  return result[0];

async function runPromisesInSequence(promises) {
  for (let i=0; i<promises.length; i++) {
    if(i === 0) {
      console.timeEnd( await promises[0]);
    } else {
      console.timeEnd( await notSoFast(promises[i]));

function makePr(label, dur) {
  return new Promise(rs => {
    console.log('%s started', label);
    console.time(label); // начало отсчёта
    setTimeout(_ => {
      console.log('%s timer completed', label);
    }, dur);

  makePr('r1', 1000),
  makePr('r2', 5000),
  makePr('r3', 0000),
/* Выводит:
r1 started
r2 started
r3 started
r3 timer completed
r1 timer completed
r1: 1005ms
r2 timer completed
r2: 5007ms
r3: 8009ms


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