Ivan2017-06-06 21:49:03
Ivan, 2017-06-06 21:49:03

How to connect Vertex?

How to connect these polygons 798e23e6b3924de98e6f225f32d0e35d.pngto make a hole?

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1 answer(s)
Roman Volodin, 2017-06-07

In this case, most likely, by hand. But you can try the F2 addon, it is in the blender, you don’t need to look for it separately.
Here it is shown a bit about him - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU0tF6jP7YY
Here is how to fill elongated holes - https://youtu.be/ImSNOuvkKsw?t=89
because the number of vertices does not match

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