Oleg Genevjov2017-07-25 23:24:05
Oleg Genevjov, 2017-07-25 23:24:05

How to connect JavaFX to a Maven project?

Kills the question, how do I connect JavaFX to a Maven project. All attempts lead to a huge number of exceptions like NullPointer and ClassNotFound and refers to 1 line where an FXML file with markup is imported into the start() method.
Well, I'm really asking for help.

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Kornachev, 2017-07-26

Oleg Genevjov : I'll try to be clairvoyant (through space and unwillingness to show at least a piece of code where fxml is loaded)
I'm almost sure that before connecting the link (address in the form of a string) to fxml was
If yes, then after connecting maven, you need to correct the *.fxml address, namely, add a slash to the beginning:

FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/com/blablabla/Some.fxml"));

Vladislav Kutas, 2018-10-29

You need to add a plugin to Maven


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