OlegKrasnov872020-11-13 23:27:57
OlegKrasnov87, 2020-11-13 23:27:57

How to connect ELK to Gateway service (I have netflix Zuul) and collect logs of all microservices?

Our microservice architecture consists of 25 services (Spring Boot), logs from which I need to collect.
I used to work only with monoliths, so I don’t know yet how to connect this stack and set up collection from all services.
ElasticSearch connected to one of the services to implement business logic, I use its cluster through bonsai.io. The services themselves are deployed through Heroku, we do not create containers manually.
I need to somehow collect logs with information about each request and response for each service (so that I can display the "routes" of each request throughout the web and the codes at each stage somewhere).
I rummaged through a car of information, everywhere they write that they use the Elastic-Logstash-Kibana stack, but for my case I don’t see specific tutorials on connecting (literally: what to add where in services and in Gateway).

Thank you!!!

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