Alexander2018-09-28 09:52:37
Alexander, 2018-09-28 09:52:37

Which framework to choose for the frontend?

Good day! I have an idea for a web application. I am learning spring and decided to combine the learning process with writing something not just educational, but interesting (at least for me). Beck on java + spring. Now the question is choosing a framework for the front end, there is no desire to dive into JS, i.e. the front should be as simple as possible to write, but beautiful. So far, the most popular visually liked vaadin. Let me know if someone has some advice.

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6 answer(s)
Anvar Shakhmaev, 2018-09-28

i.e. the front should be as simple as possible in writing, but beautiful

Oxymoron. Vue.js, angular.js, react.js - frameworks are specially designed to simplify front-end development. learn javascript

eRKa, 2018-09-28

If without js, then no, make it static pages. If you want interactivity and, as expected, you will have to understand js.

Vladimir Malkov, 2018-09-28

As a person who has recently gone the way of a beginner frontend, I advise you to start with pure js. implement everything on it, and then get acquainted with jQuery and refactor your functionality. Then, one by one, read the introductions of the documentation of each framework (angular, react, vue), try to make their examples. And then you yourself will understand whose documentation is easier to work with and what goodies the framework gives to YOUR js skills.
In short, you should not learn js for a framework, but you should learn frameworks for js (bearing in mind that there is a framework and all sorts of shadow dom and templates).

Frozen Coder, 2018-09-28

Do not want to js-frameworks? Then do it the old fashioned way - everything is on the server and give the pages. JSP, thymeleaf or freemarker - choose one. + jQuery, which has plugins for all occasions. To make it beautiful and fast (fuck-fuck), then take some css-framework, for example bootstrap, which has some connection with jQuery. Figure out pages from bootstrap components, add dynamism through jQuery, page generation logic on a template engine (JSP, thymeleaf or freemarker).
But it seems that you have already chosen vaadin :)
ZY. Whatever you take, you'll have to figure it out and that's fine. Don’t want to figure it out for now, then maybe don’t write the front yet, but concentrate on backend applications?

Vasily Vasilyev, 2018-09-28

Try VueJS. If you create a project through vue-ui, then you won’t even need to poke around in the assembler configs, just poke what you want to install - and the view itself does everything. The minimum logic to write - you don’t even need to know zhs in fact, a banal copy-paste from the documentation / github / stack with substitution of your parameters. Yes, and the documentation is very good, you can master it in 2-3 evenings. Plus, the view works great with forms, unlike the same react.
As they say, view is for those who are tired of angular and react =)
From the graphics, I can advise Vuetify, not very flexible, but easy to set up and looks nice. And specific modules like charts are easily installed through the same vue-ui.

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