eagle2016-03-30 15:09:59
eagle, 2016-03-30 15:09:59

How to connect a library from github to a project in Intellij Idea?

You need to link the library to the Intellij Idea project.
Libraries from ready-made jar files are connected normally, but this one does not work.
I connect according to the instructions:

  1. I clone the project from git to the /project/lib folder
  2. I run cmake . in the terminal in the right folder
  3. I run sudo make install

At the moment, no error messages.
Then in the environment I go File -> Projects Structure -> Libraries
I add a new library, I specify the / project / lib / fann folder (maybe there is an error, you need to specify a specific file, I tried some, but there is no result).
The system does not recognize what type of files are in the folder, it offers its own options, I choose Classes / Native Library Location.
I save.
I run the file:
import com.googlecode.fannj.*;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Solution {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //Для сборки новой ИНС необходимо создасть список слоев
        List<Layer> layerList = new ArrayList<Layer>();
        layerList.add(Layer.create(3, ActivationFunction.FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC, 0.01f));
        layerList.add(Layer.create(16, ActivationFunction.FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC, 0.01f));
        layerList.add(Layer.create(4, ActivationFunction.FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC, 0.01f));
        Fann fann = new Fann(layerList);
        //Создаем тренера и определяем алгоритм обучения
        Trainer trainer = new Trainer(fann);
        /* Проведем обучение взяв уроки из файла, с максимальным колличеством
           циклов 100000, показывая отчет каждую 100ю итерацию и добиваемся
        ошибки меньше 0.0001 */
        trainer.train(new File("assets/lesson.txt").getAbsolutePath(), 100000, 100, 0.0001f);

And an error occurs:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Unable to load library 'fann': Native library

What can be done about it?

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