Sergey c0re2019-11-05 12:24:04
Sergey c0re, 2019-11-05 12:24:04

How to combine subqueries?

All the best!
There are two subqueries select a set according to certain criteria, such as

    id, dt_beg, dt_end
  from ...................
  where ..............

you need to select data from the second one if there is not a null record, if it is null, then from the first one, I initially thought so (erroneously), thinking that the first one will never return a null record, so the second left-joined it by id
like this:
    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.dt_beg, an.dt_beg) AS dt_beg,
    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.dt_end, an.dt_end) AS dt_end
  (.....) ao, (.....) an
  WHERE ao.id = an.id(+)
    AND ao.id = _NUMBER_

But it turned out that there are situations when the first one returns NULL, at this time the second one is not NULL
, and just the data from the second one has more priority, i.e. if they are not NULL, then they must be substituted.
tried to make FULL OUTER JOIN
but nothing is selected, although there is definitely data in the second query. :-/
    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.dt_beg, an.dt_beg) AS dt_beg,
    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.dt_end, an.dt_end) AS dt_end
  (.....) ao
  FULL OUTER JOIN (.....) an ON ao.id = an.id
  WHERE ao.id = _NUMBER_ OR an.id = _NUMBER_

how to combine and select data correctly?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey c0re, 2019-11-05

PS: I'm sorry, I was in a hurry, I missed it ... according to the parameters that I chose, both requests were empty.
Everything is working:

    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.id, an.id) AS id,
    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.dt_beg, an.dt_beg) AS dt_beg,
    DECODE(NVL(an.id,0), 0,ao.dt_end, an.dt_end) AS dt_end
  (.....) ao
  FULL OUTER JOIN (.....) an ON ao.id = an.id
  WHERE (an.id is null OR ao.id is null)
    AND (ao.id = _NUMBER_ OR an.id = _NUMBER_)

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