ssrdop2018-04-09 15:03:30
ssrdop, 2018-04-09 15:03:30

How to combine product categories from different suppliers?

There is a site that has categories of products shown on the site.
There are n vendors with their own directory structure. That is, in their price list, each product has its own internal category (which may have parents, etc.).
When uploading goods to the site, you need to transfer these goods to the public part of the site (to transfer them to categories that are visible to a regular user).
Obviously, this cannot be done automatically. The question is different - how to make everything as simple and convenient as possible?

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin Nagibovich, 2018-04-09

Make something like a table of correspondence between site categories and suppliers categories.

p2rcoder, 2019-09-08

You can merge using third-party programs, such as QuadCRM, and only then upload the resulting catalog to the site. Here you can see the possibilities for automatic merging: https://quadx2.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/quadcrm/p...

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