BadThings2015-06-28 22:15:22
IT education
BadThings, 2015-06-28 22:15:22

How to choose a university following your “want” and whether to listen to the “seniors” who have gone to another profession?

Yes, yes, you all understood that. One more question about the choice of university and specialty.
The question arose about choosing a university. The Internet says that the most important thing is self-study / courses / lectures. But my only "real" adviser on the choice is, of course, my parents. They say that everything except self-education and the name of the university does not matter. That the employer looks only at the line with the name of your university in the TOP of higher educational institutions. And as for the education itself - that you won’t learn programming, you have to go into mathematics and then and only then you can learn something in programming (although during conversations they brought the word “languages”, which led me to the opinion that they perceive this language differently profession...).
So far I have made a couple of "Wishlist" items from the university for myself: free time for projects, a solid base on the web, databases ... I
dream of working in the gaming industry in the USA. Testing, development. But after all, these are just dreams ...
At school, at the time of finishing the 10th (relatively specialized) class, I have mathematics and computer science at the maximum at the level of regional Olympiads (1-3 tasks were often missing for the city), and some even could not pass the qualifying ones. After reading the article , I realized that MOAIS is the closest to me, but a Google search did not give anything specific in Moscow (maybe you know Moscow universities with this specialty?).
What do you say, listen to your parents and look first at the name of the university, the choice of faculties in it, and then at the content of the training program, or vice versa, look for the most suitable faculty for me and search for a university by it?

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9 answer(s)
Sergey, 2015-06-28

The university can set a party in which you can find the connections you need for a further jump in the board you need. Therefore, it is better to go to the central universities, because there is nothing special to do on the periphery.

Espleth, 2015-06-28

A rare case when parents are generally right. You really will not be taught to program at a university, and self-education comes to the fore. And indeed, abroad, our universities are judged mainly by all sorts of tops. But here's what they got wrong - it's that you can't learn to program without mathematics. There are a lot of areas in programming where mathematics is not really needed (although it will not hurt in any case).
But game development does not belong to this area, mathematics is often needed there.
My IMHO: enter a top university where they don’t really bother with your studies (for example, as a PM-PU at St. Petersburg State University), learn programming on your own and don’t give up on mathematics.
And directions: PI / PMI / MOAIS - nevermind. Look primarily at the curriculum and what subjects are there, and not at the names.

sim3x, 2015-06-28

That the employer looks only at the line with the name of your university in the TOP of higher educational institutions.

the employer looks exclusively at the line with experience with technology and Japanese
in the USA
then act in the same states or Europe
What do you say, listen to your parents and look first at the name of the university, the choice of faculties in it, and then at the content of the training program, or vice versa, look for the most suitable faculty for me and search for a university by it?
if the task is to get a crust - the parents say everything correctly. To solve the problem - to gain
knowledge, you need to contact specific teachers if you think your brain is out of whack

Radmir, 2015-06-28

On my own behalf, I can add that the main thing is in no case to go to physics and mathematics, even if it is applied mathematics and computer science.

Puma Thailand, 2015-06-29

In Russia, the employer does not look at the name of your university, and even more so your diploma.
In America, no one knows Russian universities, and even more so some kind of Russian rating.

Think With Your Head, 2015-06-29

Here is the ranking of world universities:
www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-... You drive
in the universities you are interested in and see how bad things are. Sobers well.
PS: if the form did not give anything, then the university, by world standards, is nothing at all. In total there are 701+ places in my opinion

D', 2015-06-28

Since there is such confusion in my head, and it has come to the point that you ask strangers on a QA site, I can advise one thing: go to the army.
A year in the army will put the brains in place, there will be time to think about the way forward.

BBmike, 2015-06-29

If in your dreams "work in the gaming industry in the USA. Testing, development.", Then you need to understand three simple truths:
1. The university must be recognized by the competent organizations of the country you are going to.
Therefore, when choosing a university, you look at its position in the relevant registers.
2. The diploma must fully correspond to the declared specialty. Completely and absolutely. Thousands of people broke off on this with their diplomas in security systems and other near-IT matters.
3. Without a diploma, you can apply for different visas, but experience is needed from 6 to 12 years, depending on the country and type of visa, but there is a risk like with a diploma.
These years of work must be impeccable. rejected - free.

Danil Karimov, 2015-06-29

I 100% support the statement Puma Thailand . When I got a job, I was asked about the availability of higher education, but few people were interested in what exactly I graduated from. So, what is more important for the employer is your skills and abilities, and not a crust of blue or red.
I hope my answer will be useful to you.

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