ole922017-06-21 10:02:17
ole92, 2017-06-21 10:02:17

How to checkout in the shopping cart?

Good day everyone! Please tell me how to implement checkout in the cart in WooCommerce. (Attached the screenshot). I know that there are plugins, but I wonder if it is possible to implement without them. Has anyone already faced this issue?

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2 answer(s)
KingAnton, 2017-06-21

In the settings, change the "Checkout page" to the woocommerce_checkout page and edit it to fit your needs.

obemgcabazn, 2019-10-10

It is possible with the help of shortcodes and woocommerce settings, this is done very simply:
https://mad-dog.ru/obedinit-straniczy-korzina-i-of... All that
remains is to add styles.

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